Games Level Up the Fun Quotient at Emergency Nursing 2023

Emergency Nursing 2023 is known for its high-quality educational sessions and valuable networking events, but ENA’s premier conference will also inject some fun and games into the mix. Attendees will get the chance to play two games at the conference that entail carrying out amusing missions and collecting exclusive ENA trading cards — adding an entertaining interactive element to their conference experience.

TimTim Mucha
Tim Mucha

Play. Score. Win! is back this year. This game involves attendees completing missions. After downloading the Goosechase app, attendees will receive missions, such as recording a video about what they look forward to the most at the conference or taking a selfie with a former ENA president. When they complete their missions, attendees must upload the results to the Goosechase app to receive points. Other conference attendees can view the missions their peers have completed and like the posts on the app.

“It’s a fun, unique way to interact with their fellow attendees,” said ENA Digital Marketing Manager Tim Mucha.

When they earn a certain number of points, attendees are eligible to win prizes. Winners will be randomly selected for each points level:

  • Level I: 5,000 points. Two attendees will win their choice between one EN Week merchandise basket or one ENA merchandise basket. 
  • Level II: 10,000 points. Fourteen participants are eligible to win prizes from this year’s sponsors. 
  • Level III: 18,000 points. One participant will win the grand prize: a registration for Emergency Nursing 2024. 

Winners for levels I and II will be announced at 3:10 p.m. on Sept. 23 at the Insights and Innovations Theater area in the Experience Hall. Winners must be present in the Insights and Innovations Theater to claim their prizes. The grand prize winner will be announced during the Closing Session on Sept. 23.  

Aaron Coats
Aaron Coats

The prizes are each valued at $100 or more. At last year’s conference, participants won prizes that included an Apple Watch, a Kate Spade purse and Amazon gift cards.

Beyond prizes, collectible ENA trading cards are up for grabs at Emergency Nursing 2023 with the debut of Emergency Quest. This new game gives attendees the opportunity to collect up to eight ENA trading cards that celebrate the emergency nursing specialty — charming collectors’ items that represent their time at the conference.

Every attendee will receive one trading card in their registration bags. The remaining seven cards, including one digital card, will be hidden throughout the San Diego Convention Center. The cards will feature profiles and fun facts about the people, places and things relevant to ED nurses, such as various nursing personas, transport vehicles, medical equipment and health care facilities.

Attendees who want to collect all eight cards will need to have an eagle eye and act quickly. While everyone will receive one card, there are limited quantities of the other six physical cards.

In addition, Play. Score. Win! will have missions related to Emergency Quest — another opportunity to rack up those points and win prizes.

“Emergency Quest is a scavenger hunt with minimal rules. It’s a simple, fun game,” said ENA Marketing Specialist Aaron Coats, who created the game. “And attendees get to take home a cool, commemorative memento.”